Knowledge of the Latest Technologies
Because our consultants are interested in their work, we keep abreast of the latest developments in software engineering and technology. However, as seasoned developers and business professionals, we apply technology based on four principles (1) does it solve the problem at hand (2) what is the likely future of the technology (3) does the technology allow a more innovative solution to the problem than other technologies (4) how maintainable is software developed with the technology.

Areas Of Experience
Potomac Software has experience with the following software technologies:

** Object-oriented analysis and design using UML and Rational tools

** Java and J2EE technologies, including JSP, servlets, STRUTS, EJB, MDB, JMS, JDBC, applets, RMI and Swing

** Relational Database Management, including Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, Informix and Unify

** XML, including tools such as SAX, DOM, JAXP and JAXM and XML technologies like XSLT, XML Schema, XPath and DTDs

** Web User Interface technologies such as Javascript and DHTML

** Weblogic, Websphere, JRun, JBOSS and Tomcat application servers

** C++ and C, including MFC, Windows SDK and Unix development

** Operating systems such as Microsoft Windows and UNIX, including Solaris and Linux

** TCP/IP, including Berkeley sockets and WinSock

** Web and Internet protocols including SOAP, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, TELNET, LDAP and SNMP

** IPC under UNIX and NT, including shared memory, message queues, pipes, events and semaphores

** Shell scripts and Perl

** Directory services and APIs, including LDAP, JNDI, iPlanet and OpenLdap

** Multithreaded and multiprocessing programming

** Class library and framework design and implementation

** Serial communications

** Computer language design and implementation

Copyright 1997 - 2004 by Potomac Software, Inc.